Working to Change the Culture

in Mobile Home Parks

Mr. Mike's Neighborhood


You'll find the Association Newsletter posted around the 1st week of every month.

September 2024 Newsletter



“Be watchful for someone needing a helping hand.  You might be the only one who does.”  ... Anonymous



I was retrieving a package from the porch of a Neighbor under our Porch Pirate Package Pickup Program.  It was a big box and I had to carry it a long way.  A Neighbor, who’s affectionetly known as Pops, watching me struggle a bit came over and took the package from my hands.  I said I can handle it and his response was, “Mr. Mike, you help so many residents within our Community, we can help you too.”  So he carried the package the rest of the way, where afterwards we sat and had a beer together.


Now, I’d love to say that this act of kindness was a direct result of the Culture that Mr. Mike’s Neighborhood provides our Community.  But the fact is, like many of our Neighbors, Pops probably had this kindness in him all along.  He simply saw an opportunity to help, and he did without hesitation.  But I can definitely say that I likely would have never met Pops, or the hundreds of Neighbors within our Community if it wasn’t for Mr. Mike’s Neighborhood.  The visibility that Miss Linda and I provide is crucial to our success.  It let’s our Neighbors know that our mission isn’t just lip service.  That we not only advocate what we do, but we practice what we preach.


Don’t know where to start?  Here’s just a few ways to get you thinking:


1. Have a conversation

In a world where loneliness is prominent and felt by many Neighbors, showing kindness to your Neighbor may be the perfect antidote to some of the challenges we face as a country. Sometimes a little human interaction can make a Neighbor's day, so try and have a conversation with a Neighbor every once in a while. You might find out you have a lot in common!


2. Lend a hand

Performing a simple act of kindness such as bringing in your elderly Neighbor’s trash bins, helping a Neighbor carry something heavy, mowing a Neighbor’s lawn, feeding their pet, or letting them borrow a tool, reflects the often sacrificial nature of kindness. Intentions are entirely selfless but make you feel just as good as the recipient of the kind act. Think about those times in your life when someone has given you a helping hand, and do the same for your Neighbor.


3. Drop a letter or gift on their doorstep

If you are unable to lend a helping hand to a Neighbor for whatever reason, show kindness by writing them a note or leaving them a little gift. You could brighten up their whole week.


4. Give words of encouragement

Maybe their beautifully trimmed grass looks neat and clean, perhaps their new choice of paint color is eye-catching, or maybe they’ve styled their hair differently. Find the good things and pay a compliment, it will go a long way! It’s the simplest way to be kind, yet is still so meaningful.


5. Check on your Neighbors

Check on Neighbors and family members, especially those who live alone, are elderly, have health or mobility issues or are caring for children.  Schedule time to remotely connect with these individuals

regularly to let them know they are not alone.


You now have five ways to share positivity and lend a helping hand in our Community. There are many other ways to be a good Neighbor, so pick which ideas work for you and your Neighborhood and think of your own ideas too. The important thing is that we stick together as a Community, especially during times of need. After all, we’re all in this together!  So our mission to you, if you choose to accept it, is to lend a helping hand to one Neighbor this week.



For those Neighbors who come to us complaining that you requested help from the office with no success, here’s the reason why.  Most of you know that Miss Linda was a Property Manager for over 25 years.  She has been telling Neighbors that you should put all your requests or complaints in writing.  Why do this instead of just calling, or even walking over to the office with your request in person?  It’s because when our office doesn’t respond to your request, which happens more often then you think, and you complain to either the office or Sun, their stock response will be, “we have no documentation that you ever filed a request or complaint.”  That’s their way of covering their butts when they don’t do their jobs.


So from now on, if you have a request or complaint, you can go to the Resource Page on our website and download one, or if you can’t access the internet, text me and I’ll walk several forms over to you.  When you take the form over to the office, have them date and initial it that it’s been received, and have them make a copy for you so you’ll have proof.



This year we passed out 32 Certificates for Neighbors who beautify our Community with gorgeious flowers, white stones and garden accessories.  This is an increase of 8 homes from the previous year.  Our last certificate for the year will be for Christmas Decorations, so start thinking of how you can show your

Christmas spirit.



Whether your child is just beginning kindergarten or starting a new grade as a returning student, there’s lots to be done to prepare for the year ahead, including checking in about their fears, anxieties, and concerns.

As summer winds down, it’s natural for kids to experience nervousness.  After all, your child is entering a structured group setting after months away.  Some children will accept the change with joy, while others may need a bit more hand-holding to acclimate.  The likelihood is your child will have a wonderful start to their school life and will come home full of excitement and tales of all that has happened each day. Do be prepared for ups and downs along the way, but above all things, enjoy sharing every moment of their magical learning journey.



Changing the Culture in our Community from Just Renters to Neighbors has been a joy that Miss Linda and I have undertaken for almost 2 years.  We’ve held true to the quote, “I’d love to help the whole world, but if I can only help one, isn’t that good too?”  Answer, yes that is good too.  Help one Neighbor this week.

Mr. Mike's Neighborhood


Mike Whitty, Director

Linda Varee, Asst. Director



Lafayette Place Mobile Home Park

21555 Warner Ave.

Warren, Michigan  48091

(586) 755-2800